Install & Deploy Controller (Helm)

Before You Start


MLIS has been installed successfully on:

  • On-premise:
    • Kubernetes
    • SLES 15 Rancher (RKE2)
  • MicroK8s
  • GKE
  • Kind
  • Docker Desktop Kubernetes

EKS is known to not work out-of-the-box due to a need for custom service accounts. You may need to regenerate the service accounts with the required annotations to deploy successfully on EKS.

How to Deploy the Platform

1. Obtain the Helm Chart

Helm Password Token
The password token required for the helm registry login options can be retrieved by clicking the Access Your Products link in the HPE Software Delivery Receipt Email. It is displayed as the key value under the Product Info column.

2. Install KServe

Refer to the official KServe serverless installation guide for instructions on how to install KServe on your Kubernetes cluster.

3. Configure DNS

Access to inference service deployments is best achieved by configuring your Kubernetes cluster with a DNS domain name so that your inference services are accessible via a hostname. Otherwise, you must set up port forwarding in Part 6 to access the services (see the Pending IP tab).

Magic DNS Services

If you do not have a DNS domain name for your Kubernetes cluster and do not wish to use port forwarding, you could instead use a magic DNS service such as to map an external IP to a hostname.

To configure the magic DNS service, create a ConfigMap in the knative-serving namespace with the following command:

kubectl create configmap config-domain \
--namespace knative-serving \
--from-literal <CLUSTER-EXTERNAL-IP>"" \
--dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl replace -f -

This will enable you to access the cluster via the hostname <CLUSTER-EXTERNAL-IP> and an inference service via http://<INFERENCE-SERVICE-NAME>/<NAMESPACE>/<CLUSTER-EXTERNAL-IP> See the Configure Magic DNS Service guide for more detailed steps.

Alternative magic DNS solutions include: localtls,, and

4. Evaluate Deployment Needs

  1. Evaluate your deployment needs for the following optional configurations that involve the Helm chart:
  2. Optionally update your values.yaml file with the necessary configurations for any of the previous options.
  3. Add it to the helm install mlis command in the next step using --values values.yaml.

Configure Garbage Collection

Unless otherwise configured, inactive inference service replicas shut down after 15 hours. Knative provides Garbage collection configuration options to customize the cleanup behavior of inactive replicas. GPUs allocated to a replica are not released when the replica is shut down.

We recommend that you configure Knative for immediate cleanup of inactive replicas (Knative Revisions). The following command will configure Knative to immediately clean up inactive replicas:

kubectl patch cm  -n knative-serving config-gc  --type=strategic \
      -p '{"data":{"min-non-active-revisions":"0", "max-non-active-revisions": "0", "retain-since-create-time": "disabled","retain-since-last-active-time": "disabled"}}'

5. Install the Controller via Helm

  1. Download the Helm chart from your HPE MSC account.
  2. Run the helm install command, passing in:
    • Your required secrets
    • An optional values.yaml file for configurations (TLS, external auth)
    • A default password for the admin user
Obtain Default Admin Password if Not Set

If you skip setting the admin password during installation (using --set defaultPassword), the system generates one automatically. You can retrieve this generated password by using the following command and replacing <RELEASE_NAME> with the name of the Helm release (e.g., mlis):

   kubectl get secrets aioli-master-config-<RELEASE_NAME> \
   --template='{{ index .data "aioli-master.yaml" | base64decode }}' | grep defaultPassword

If you use this command after updating the admin password, it will still only return the original default password.

6. Obtain Controller Address

Once installed, identify the host/ip to be used to communicate with the Controller. Typically this is via the EXTERNAL-IP of the aioli-proxy service.

  1. Enter the following command to obtain the external IP address of the aioli-proxy service.

    kubectl get svc/aioli-proxy
    NAME          TYPE           CLUSTER-IP    EXTERNAL-IP      PORT(S)        AGE
    aioli-proxy   LoadBalancer   80:30819/TCP   17m
  2. Once you’ve identified how to access the HPE Machine Learning Inferencing Software controller, setup the AIOLI_CONTROLLER export variable to reference the proper address by default or specify it via the AIOLI command option -c/--controller.

7. Sign in


If authentication has been enabled, the AIOLI_CONTROLLER address should be defined to use https://....

The CLI can be configured with environment variables for AIOLI_CONTROLLER_CERT_FILE and AIOLI_CONTROLLER_CERT_NAME to point to full certificate chain. If the certificate is not signed by a well-known Certificate Authority (CA), the user can adopt a trust-on-first-use approach by trusting the SHA256 fingerprint of the certificate chain.