HPE MSC Registry Secret

This guide explains how to generate a secret that enables access to the HPE MSC Docker Registry. This secret is required to download the Helm Chart and pull its images.

Before You Start

How to Obtain an Enterprise Key

  1. Log in to My HPE Software Center.

    Use Chrome
    This web portal works best with Chrome.

  2. Obtain the following details:

    • SKU: The SKU for the product that matches what you have purchased.
      sku description image registry url
      S3R04AAE Base License SW 1yr E-RTU hub.myenterpriselicense.hpe.com/hpe-mlis/s3r04aae
      S3R05AAE Performance License SW 1yr E-RTU hub.myenterpriselicense.hpe.com/hpe-mlis/s3r05aae
      S3R06AAE Base License SW 3yr E-RTU hub.myenterpriselicense.hpe.com/hpe-mlis/s3r06aae
      S3R07AAE Performance License SW 3yr E-RTU hub.myenterpriselicense.hpe.com/hpe-mlis/s3r07aae
      S3W26AAE Base License SW 4yr E-RTU hub.myenterpriselicense.hpe.com/hpe-mlis/s3w26aae
      S3W27AAE Performance License SW 4yr E-RTU hub.myenterpriselicense.hpe.com/hpe-mlis/s3w27aae
      S3W28AAE Base License SW 5yr E-RTU hub.myenterpriselicense.hpe.com/hpe-mlis/s3w28aae
      S3W29AAE Performance License SW 5yr E-RTU hub.myenterpriselicense.hpe.com/hpe-mlis/s3w29aae
    • HPE MSC Username: Your HPE MSC username.
    • HPE MSC MLIS License Key: Your HPE MSC MLIS license key.
    • HPE MSC User Email: Your HPE MSC user email.
  3. Create a secret for HPE MSC Docker Registry credentials using the information gathered in the previous step:

    kubectl create secret docker-registry hpe-mlis-registry \
       --docker-server=hub.myenterpriselicense.hpe.com/hpe-mlis/<SKU> \
       --docker-username=<HPE_MSC_USERNAME>  \
       --docker-password=<HPE_MSC_MLIS_LICENSE_KEY> \
       --docker-email=<HPE_MSC_USER_EMAIL> \

    You must set up the secret for all namespaces which you may reference in a deployment. You can control the list of namespaces available for deployment using the Helm chart namespaces.exclude list. To create the secret for multiple namespaces at once, you can use a loop in a shell script:

    for NAMESPACE in namespace1 namespace2 namespace3; do
      kubectl create secret docker-registry hpe-mlis-registry \
        --docker-server=hub.myenterpriselicense.hpe.com/hpe-mlis/<SKU> \
        --docker-username=<HPE_MSC_USERNAME> \
        --docker-password=<HPE_MSC_MLIS_LICENSE_KEY> \
        --docker-email=<HPE_MSC_USER_EMAIL> \
        -n $NAMESPACE

    Replace namespace1, namespace2, namespace3 with your target namespaces.

  4. Add the following to your helm install command:

    --set 'global.imagePullSecrets[0].name=hpe-mlis-registry' \ 
    --set imageRegistry=hub.myenterpriselicense.hpe.com/hpe-mlis/<SKU>