Deployment update


aioli deployment update [-h] [--name NAME] [--model MODEL] [--pause] [--resume]
                                   [--authentication-required [AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED]] [--namespace NAMESPACE]
                                   [--autoscaling-min-replicas AUTOSCALING_MIN_REPLICAS]
                                   [--autoscaling-max-replicas AUTOSCALING_MAX_REPLICAS]
                                   [--autoscaling-metric AUTOSCALING_METRIC]
                                   [--autoscaling-target AUTOSCALING_TARGET]
                                   [--canary-traffic-percent CANARY_TRAFFIC_PERCENT] [-a ARG] [-e ENV]

Full Example

aioli deployment update DEPLOYMENTNAME --name VALUE --model VALUE --authentication-required VALUE --namespace VALUE --autoscaling-min-replicas VALUE --autoscaling-max-replicas VALUE --autoscaling-metric VALUE --autoscaling-target VALUE --canary-traffic-percent VALUE --arg VALUE --env VALUE


The name of the deployment


The new name of the deployment. Must begin with a letter, but may contain letters, numbers, and hyphen


The package model id, name or versioned-name (evaluated in that order) to be deployed


Pause the deployment


Resume the deployment


Deployed model requires callers to provide authentication. Specify boolean value ’true’ or ‘false’. Value ‘1’ or ‘0’ can also be used for ’true’ or ‘false’ value. When true, all interactions with the deployed service are required to be authenticated.


The Kubernetes namespace to be used for the deployment


Minimum number of replicas


Maximum number of replicas created based upon demand


Metric name which controls autoscaling


Metric target value


Percent traffic to pass to new model version

-a, –arg

Argument to be added to the service command line. If specifying an argument that starts with a ‘-’, use the form –arg=

-e, –env

Specifies an environment variable & value as name=value, to be passed to the launched container