Model update
Usage #
aioli model update [-h] [--name NAME] [--image IMAGE]
[--description DESCRIPTION] [--url URL]
[--registry REGISTRY] [--format FORMAT]
[--enable-caching | --disable-caching] [-a [ARG]]
[-e [ENV]] [--gpu-type GPU_TYPE]
[--limits-cpu LIMITS_CPU]
[--limits-memory LIMITS_MEMORY]
[--limits-gpu LIMITS_GPU]
[--requests-cpu REQUESTS_CPU]
[--requests-memory REQUESTS_MEMORY]
[--requests-gpu REQUESTS_GPU]
Full Example #
aioli model update MODELNAME --name VALUE --image VALUE --description VALUE --url VALUE --registry VALUE --modelformat VALUE --arg VALUE --env VALUE --gpu-type VALUE --limits-cpu VALUE --limits-memory VALUE --limits-gpu VALUE --requests-cpu VALUE --requests-memory VALUE --requests-gpu VALUE
Options: #
The packaged model id, name or versioned-name (evaluated in that order). A versioned-name is the package model name with suffix of the version with the format ’name.V###’ where ‘###’ is the version number. For example, a model named ‘my-model’ with a version of ‘23’ would be represented by versioned-name of: my-model.V23
–name #
The new name of the packaged model. Must begin with a letter, but may contain letters, numbers, and hyphen
–image #
Docker container image servicing the packaged model
–description #
Description of the packaged model
–url #
Reference within the specified registry
–registry #
The name or ID of the packaged model registry
–format, –modelformat #
Model format for downloaded models (bento-archive, openllm, nim, unspecified)
–enable-caching #
Enable caching for the packaged model
–disable-caching #
Disable caching for the packaged model
-a, –arg #
Argument to be added to the service command line. If specifying an argument that starts with a ‘-’, use the form –arg=
-e, –env #
Specifies an environment variable & value as name=value, to be passed to the launched container. Specifying any –env replaces prior environment vars with those on this invocation. Use a single –env with no value to clear all environment vars.
–gpu-type #
GPU type required
–limits-cpu #
CPU limit
–limits-memory #
Memory limit
–limits-gpu #
GPU limit
–requests-cpu #
CPU request
–requests-memory #
Memory request
–requests-gpu #
GPU request