Model update


aioli model update [-h] [--name NAME] [--image IMAGE] [--description DESCRIPTION] [--url URL]
                              [--registry REGISTRY] [--format FORMAT] [-a ARG] [-e ENV] [--gpu-type GPU_TYPE]
                              [--limits-cpu LIMITS_CPU] [--limits-memory LIMITS_MEMORY] [--limits-gpu LIMITS_GPU]
                              [--requests-cpu REQUESTS_CPU] [--requests-memory REQUESTS_MEMORY]
                              [--requests-gpu REQUESTS_GPU]

Full Example

aioli model update MODELNAME --name VALUE --image VALUE --description VALUE --url VALUE --registry VALUE --modelformat VALUE --arg VALUE --env VALUE --gpu-type VALUE --limits-cpu VALUE --limits-memory VALUE --limits-gpu VALUE --requests-cpu VALUE --requests-memory VALUE --requests-gpu VALUE


The packaged model id, name or versioned-name (evaluated in that order). A versioned-name is the package model name with suffix of the version with the format ’name.V###’ where ‘###’ is the version number. For example, a model named ‘my-model’ with a version of ‘23’ would be represented by versioned-name of: my-model.V23


The new name of the packaged model. Must begin with a letter, but may contain letters, numbers, and hyphen


Docker container image servicing the packaged model


Description of the packaged model


Reference within the specified registry


The name or ID of the packaged model registry

–format, –modelformat

Model format for downloaded models (bento-archive, openllm, nim, unspecified)

-a, –arg

Argument to be added to the service command line. If specifying an argument that starts with a ‘-’, use the form –arg=

-e, –env

Specifies an environment variable & value as name=value, to be passed to the launched container


GPU type required


CPU limit


Memory limit


GPU limit


CPU request


Memory request


GPU request