From Registry (API)

Before You Start

How to Add a Packaged Model From a Registry

  1. Sign in to HPE Machine Learning Inferencing Software.
    curl -X 'POST' \
      '<YOUR_EXT_CLUSTER_IP>/api/v1/login' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
      "username": "<YOUR_USERNAME>",
      "password": "<YOUR_PASSWORD>"
  2. Obtain the Bearer token from the response.
  3. Use the following cURL command to add a new packaged model.
    curl -X 'POST' \
      '<YOUR_EXT_CLUSTER_IP>/api/v1/models' \
      -H 'accept: application/json' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
      "arguments": ["--debug"],
      "description": "<DESCRIPTION>",
      "environment": {
          "key": "value",
          "key2": "value2"
      "image": "<USER_NAME>/<MODEL_NAME>:<TAG>",
      "modelFormat": "<MODEL_FORMAT>",
      "name": "<MODEL_NAME>",
      "registry": "<REGISTRY>",
      "resources": {
          "gpuType": "<GPU_TYPE>",
          "limits": {
              "cpu": "<CPU_LIMIT>",
              "gpu": "<GPU_LIMIT>",
              "memory": "<MEMORY_LIMIT>"
          "requests": {
              "cpu": "<CPU_REQUEST>",
              "gpu": "<GPU_REQUEST>",
              "memory": "<MEMORY_REQUEST>"
      "url": "<OBJECT_URL>"