Create Image (OpenLLM)

The following steps guide you through creating a containerized image for an inference service using the OpenLLM CLI. The result of this is a publicly accessible container published at <user>/<model-name> which can be referenced in an HPE Machine Learning Inferencing Software Model definition and deployed as a service.

Before You Start

  • Ensure you have completed Developer System Setup.
  • Ensure you have Docker installed and running.
  • Ensure you have deployed the HPE Machine Learning Inferencing Software controller and have the openllm CLI installed.
  • Ensure you have an available GPU on the system

How to Create a Containerized Image

  1. Build the container using the openllm build command.
    openllm build --backend vllm --containerize <user/model-name>
  2. Get the IMAGE ID of the resulting container.
    docker image ls
    REPOSITORY                                      TAG                                        IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
    tiiuae--falcon-7b-service                       898df1396f35e447d5fe44e0a3ccaaaa69f30d36   4ac4bb1f2dce   3 minutes ago   24.9GB
  3. Tag the resulting container.
     docker tag <image-id> <user>/<model-name>
  4. Push the container to a publicly-accessible docker repo.
    docker push <user>/<model-name>
  5. Verify the container is accessible.
    docker pull <user>/<model-name>

You are now ready to upload this image to a registry and create a packaged model in HPE Machine Learning Inferencing Software.

Model Testing

You can serve a model for interactive testing before building the container by specifying the desired LLM name in the following command:

openllm start --backend vllm facebook/opt-125m

Once started, the LLM service will be listening on http://localhost:3000. You may interact with it via the SwaggerUI web interface using a browser pointed to that URL. The SwaggerUI shows the available REST API methods of the service.

You can also use the openllm query command:

openllm query "What is an LLM?"
What is an LLM?
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