Customize the Base Container Image

HPE Machine Learning Inferencing Software provides default images to execute bentoml and openllm models from openllm:// or s3:// — but you can provide a different base image to add additional libraries or change things like dependency versions.

You can provide different default images by:

  • Updating the Helm chart defaultImages values at defaultImages.bentoml and defaultImages.openllm.
  • Specifying a value for the image field when creating a Packaged Model.

Default Images


python 3.9
RUN pip install bentoml[aws]==1.1.11

The container must provide the bentoml command on the PATH and allow it to be executed as container arguments. You may use the default BentoML container as a base container, or provide your own. HPE Machine Learning Inferencing Software will inject the necessary scripts to download the model and launch the bentoml command pointing to the download model.


python 3.11
 apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
  build-essential \
  ca-certificates \
  ccache \
  curl \
  bc \
  libssl-dev ca-certificates make \
  git python3-pip
 pip3 install -v --no-cache-dir "vllm==0.2.7" 

RUN pip3 install openllm==0.4.44

The container must provide the openllm command on the PATH and allow it to be executed as container arguments. You may use the default OpenLLM container as a base container, or provide your own. HPE Machine Learning Inferencing Software will inject the necessary scripts to download the model and launch the openllm command pointing to the download model.