Release Notes Highlights for MLDM


January 1, 0001

  • Fix: Resolved an issue with the pachyderm-sdk’s debug.dump method where it was using the incorrect argument type.
  • Fix: Full timestamps in pachctl have been standardized for consistency.
  • Fix: Resolved some issues in the Console log viewer UI.
  • Enhancement Tooltips have been added to Console for file table actions (Download, Delete).


January 1, 0001

  • Fix: The Community Edition of Console now shows the pipeline count across projects in the banner.
  • Fix: Previously when a user’s active context was still set to a deleted project, the terminal would return an error – now, it returns a warning instead.
  • Enhancement: The Pachyderm SDK now catches serialization errors and converts them into human-readable errors.


January 1, 0001

  • Enhancement: Refactored the Egress node to display as much of the URL as possible; for a full URL, you can find it in the Spec tab.
  • Feature: A new case for the Node component has been created to display connected projects and repos. These nodes are clickable and will route you to the appropriate resource.


January 1, 0001

  • Enhancement: Console has expanded download preview support for more filetypes, such as HTML/XML. Users can also now click “View Raw” to preview any unsupported filetypes. The following table is a list of all supported filetypes:

    Type Extensions Preview
    markdown .markdn, .markdown, .md, .mdown, .mdwn, .mkdn, .mkdown, .mkd (preview and view source)
    html .html, .htm (preview and view source)
    xml .xml, .xsl (preview and view source)
    code .yaml, .yml, .json, .jsonl, .py, .js, .jsx, .ts, .tsx, .cjs, .mjs, .c, .cpp, .java, .php, .rs, .sql, .go, .sh, .jl, .rb Dockerfile, .css (view source)
    text .text, .txt, .textpb (view source)
    csv .csv, .tsv, .tab (preview and view source)
    image .jpeg, .jpg, .jfif, .jif, .jpe, .pjpg, .png, .apng, .gif, .avif, .avifs, .webp, .bmp, .ico, .tiff (Safari only), .tif (Safari only) (preview)
    svg .svg, .svgz (preview and view source)
    video .mpg, .mpeg, .mpe, .m1v, .m2v, .mpa, .mp4, .mp4v, .mpg4, .avi, .wmv, .mov, .qt, .rm, .ra, .ram, .webm (preview based on your browser/OS)
    audio .mp3, .m2a, .m3a, .mp2, .mp2a, .mpga, .wav, .ogg, .oga, .spx (preview based on your browser/OS)
  • Enhancement: Timestamps in Console now use 0-23 hour notation.


January 1, 0001

  • Fix: Fixed a bug where the pipeline status did not display in the Console DAG when a Global ID was applied.
  • Fix: Fixed a bug where input repos were not being listed in a Pipeline’s details sidebar.
  • Enhancement: You can now add commit messages for file uploads in the Console UI.
  • Security: Added security enhancements to prevent HTTP/2 Stream Cancellation Attacks


January 1, 0001

  • Enhancement: Updated to Go 1.22.2 and latest x/net.
  • Enhancement: Upgraded to Envoy 1.27.4


January 1, 0001

  • Feature: You can now create and manage pipelines in Console! To showcase this, we’ve added Console steps to all of our tutorials.
  • Feature: You can now set global defaults for your cluster that are passed down to all pipeline specs. These defaults provide a consistent experience for your data scientists and help manage your cluster. You can manage defaults via the PachCTL CLI or within Console.
  • Beta: You can now try out a beta version of our Unified Deployment experience with Determined.
  • Update: Branch triggers now require the trigger branch to exist before adding a --trigger setting to the target branch.
  • Enhancement: All pipeline specification references have been standardized to use camelCase format; use this format going forward when creating pipeline specifications.


January 1, 0001

  • Feature: You can now start, stop, and duplicate pipelines in Console.

  • Feature: You can now set project defaults that are passed down to all pipeline specs within a given project. These defaults provide a consistent experience for your data scientists and help manage your cluster. You can manage defaults via the PachCTL CLI or within Console.

  • Enhancement: The “Set Active Project” dialogue in the Console UI has been removed since the action must be performed via the CLI.


January 1, 0001

  • Enhancement: The Console UI now has UX improvements that better surface the health of your project by providing a quick, searchable dropdown of pipeline and job errors. Users can now also search and filter against their previous jobs.


January 1, 0001