News Summarization:
Prompt the Model



Creating effective model outputs involves trial and error. This section will guide you through the process of setting up and refining prompts based on the model’s performance. Understand that a prompt consists of:

  • Instruction: What you direct the model to do.
  • Examples: Contextual examples to guide the model.
  • Input: The actual data the model processes.
  • Expected Output: The result you aim to achieve.

Part 4: Prompt the Model

Create Initial Prompt

  1. Add the following text to the Instruction section:

    Summarize the news article to highlight the main ideas.
  2. Copy the following sample article text into the Input section.

    Title:Elby the Elephant Stuns Scientists with Remarkable Painting Skills
    Date: February 29, 2024
    Location: Global Wildlife Reserve, California
    In an unprecedented discovery that is challenging our understanding of animal intelligence and creativity, Elby, a seven-year-old African elephant residing at the Global Wildlife Reserve in California, has taken the world by storm with her extraordinary painting skills. Elbys artwork, characterized by its vibrant colors and intricate patterns, has captured the hearts of art enthusiasts and animal lovers alike.
    The story of Elbys hidden talent unfolded three months ago when zookeepers noticed the elephants keen interest in watching children paint at a workshop near her enclosure. Curious to see how Elby would react, they provided her with non-toxic paint and canvas. To their amazement, Elby grasped the paintbrush with her trunk and began to create stunning pieces of art, displaying a level of skill and emotion that rivals human artists.
    Elbys paintings are not just random strokes,explains Dr. Linda Hemsworth, a leading animal behaviorist at the reserve.They are deliberate and thoughtful, showcasing her ability to express herself. This discovery opens new doors to understanding the emotional and cognitive capacities of elephants.
    Elbys artwork has sparked a global conversation about animal intelligence, creativity, and the rights of animals in captivity. Art galleries from around the world are expressing interest in displaying her paintings, with proceeds going towards elephant conservation efforts.
    The Global Wildlife Reserve has announced plans to host an exhibition of Elbys work, titledTrunk Strokes: The Artistic Journey of Elby the Elephant,which will feature her most notable pieces, includingSunset Over the SavannahandThe Dance of the Wild.The exhibition aims to raise awareness about the plight of elephants in the wild and the importance of conservation efforts.
    Elbys unique talent has not only made her a global sensation but has also shone a spotlight on the hidden depths of animal intelligence and creativity. As we continue to explore the boundaries of what animals are capable of, Elbys paintings serve as a beautiful reminder of the connection between all living beings and the untapped potential that lies within.

Generate Initial Output

  1. Select Generate to see the output generated by the model based on the prompt you provided.
  2. Review the output to assess if it meets the expectations. Adjust and generate again if necessary to refine the summarization.

Enhance Your Prompt

If the initial output isn’t satisfactory, consider these adjustments:

  • Refine the Generation Properties: Adjust settings to fine-tune response accuracy.
  • Enhance Prompt Details: Provide clearer or more detailed instructions.
  • Link a Dataset: Include a dataset with similar articles and summaries to improve context understanding.
  • Explore Other Models: Sometimes, a different model might yield better results.

Save as Snapshot

Let’s save our work so we can continue to iterate on the results.

  1. Select Save Snapshot.
  2. Provide a snapshot name. Name it something like article-snapshot-1.
  3. Select Save.

You can revisit and refine this snapshot anytime from the Snapshots tab in your project.


  • Initial summarization attempts have been made, with insights on how to enhance them.
  • Your configured model and prompt settings have been saved as a snapshot for ongoing optimization.