Launch Notebook (CLI)

You can launch a notebook and run Lore SDK commands.

For more information about notebooks, visit Jupyter Notebooks.

How to Launch a Notebook

  1. Create a new virtual environment and activate it.

    python -m venv ~/.genaistudio
    source ~/.genaistudio/bin/activate
  2. Install The Determined CLI.

    pip install determined
  3. Set the DET_MASTER environment variable to the URL of your cluster and add port :8080.

    export DET_MASTER=<your-cluster-url>:8080
  4. Sign in to your cluster.

    det user login
  5. Start a notebook. For example:

    det notebook start --config "resources.slots=1"
    • Or, to start a notebook in a particular workspace:
    det notebook start -w my_workspace --include --config "resources.slots=1"