Launch Notebook (GUI)

You can launch a notebook that includes the Lore SDK and all the necessary dependencies from your hosted GenAI Studio instance.

How to Launch a Notebook

  • Sign in to GenAI Studio.
  • Go to Machine Learning Development Environment by selecting the MLDE tab.
  • Select the Launch JupyterLab button.
  • Provide inputs or selections for all of the following:
    • Workspace: The workspace matching your project.
    • Template: Select lore_notebook.
    • Name: Give a descriptive name for your notebook.
    • Resource Pool: Select the resource pool matching your project.
    • Slots: Select the number of slots you want to use.
  • Select Launch.

How to Open an Active Notebook

  • Sign in to GenAI Studio.
  • Go to Machine Learning Development Environment by selecting the MLDE tab.
  • Navigate to Workspaces.
  • Select the workspace matching your project.
  • Select the Tasks tab.
  • Select the Name of the notebook you want to open.

The notebook will open in a new tab.