Beginner Tutorial:
Create a Project

Part 2: Create a Project

Projects are the top-level organizational unit in HPE Machine Learning Data Management. They are used to group related data and pipelines together. Projects support RBAC, so you can control who has access to what data and pipelines. We won’t worry about that for now, but it’s good to know as you scale up your usage of HPE Machine Learning Data Management.

Verify Instance Connection

Let’s first verify that you are connected to your instance.

If you are not connected, please refer to the Connect to Existing Instance Guide to connect to your HPE Machine Learning Data Management instance.

Create the Project

By default, when you first start up an instance, the default project is attached to your active context. Create a new project and set the project to your active PachCTL context to avoid having to specify the project name (e.g., --project video-to-frame-traces) in each command.