List & Inspect Jobs

How to List Jobs From a Project in Console

  1. Authenticate to HPE Machine Learning Data Management or access Console via Localhost.
  2. Scroll through the project list to find a project you want to view.
  3. Select View Project.
  4. Navigate to the List section of the sidebar.
  5. Select Jobs. From here, you can view all of the following information about your jobs:
    • Job (Date): The date and time the job was created.
    • Job Progress: The total number of subjobs and a breakdown of their statuses.
    • Runtime: The amount of time the job ran, in seconds.
    • ID: The unique identifier for the job.
  6. Optionally choose a job to inspect further and select the SubJobs tab. This view includes the previous information, plus the following:
    • D/L: The downloaded bytes.
    • U/L: The uploaded bytes.
    • Restarts: The number of times the job has restarted.

How to List Jobs for a Specific Pipeline in Console

  1. Authenticate to HPE Machine Learning Data Management or access Console via Localhost.
  2. Scroll through the project list to find a project you want to view.
  3. Select View Project.
  4. Navigate to the List section of the sidebar.
  5. Select Pipelines.
  6. Choose the pipeline you want to view.
  7. Select the Jobs tab.