On-Prem Deploy

Before you start

Before you can deploy HPE Machine Learning Data Management, you will need to perform the following actions:

  1. Install kubectl
  2. Install Helm
  3. Deploy Kubernetes on-premises.
  4. Deploy two Kubernetes persistent volumes for HPE Machine Learning Data Management metadata storage.
  5. Deploy an on-premises object store using a storage provider like MinIO, EMC’s ECS, or SwiftStack to provide S3-compatible access to your data storage.
  6. Install PachCTL and PachCTL Auto-completion.
Kubernetes & Openshift Version Support
  • Kubernetes: HPE Machine Learning Data Management supports the three most recent minor release versions of Kubernetes. If your Kubernetes version is not among these, it is End of Life (EOL) and unsupported. This ensures HPE Machine Learning Data Management users access to the latest Kubernetes features and bug fixes.
  • Openshift: HPE Machine Learning Data Management is compatible with OpenShift versions within the “Full Support” window.

How to Deploy On-Premises

1. Install via Helm

helm repo add pachyderm https://helm.pachyderm.com
helm repo update

2. Configure Helm Values

View and copy a full helm chart from GitHub or ArtifactHub for reference when configuring your Helm values file.

Add Storage classes to Helm Values

Update your Helm values file to include the storage classes you are going to use:

  storageClass: MyStorageClass
  size: 10Gi

    storageClass: MyStorageClass
    size: 10Gi

Size & Configure Object Store

  1. Determine the endpoint of your object store, for example minio-server:9000.

  2. Choose a unique name for the bucket you will dedicate to HPE Machine Learning Data Management.

  3. Create a new access key ID and secret key for HPE Machine Learning Data Management to use when accessing the object store.

  4. Update the HPE Machine Learning Data Management Helm values file with the endpoint, bucket name, access key ID, and secret key.

        backend: "AMAZON"
        storageURL: "s3://pachyderm-test?endpoint=minio.default.svc.cluster.local:9000&disableSSL=true&region=dummy-region"

Configure Authentication & Authorization

To set up Authentication, you must use the Enterprise version of HPE Machine Learning Data Management and provide a valid license key.

We recommend that you create a secret and provide it on the Helm chart as the value to the attribute pachd.enterpriseLicenseKeySecretName. Once deployed, Pachyderm stores your provided Enterprise license as the platform secret pachyderm-license in the key enterprise-license-key.


After deploying HPE Machine Learning Data Management, you can log in as the root user and begin to add users to certain resource types such as Projects and Repos.

pachctl auth set project <project-name> <role-name> user:<username@email.com>

For more information on user permissions, see the Authorization section.

3. Deploy

helm install pachyderm -f values.yaml pachyderm/pachyderm --version <your_chart_version>

You can update your Helm values file using the following command:

helm upgrade pachyderm pachyderm/pachyderm -f values.yml