Supported Releases & Features

HPE Machine Learning Data Management lists the status for each release and feature, so that you can understand expectations for support and stability.

Supported Releases

HPE Machine Learning Data Management supports the latest Generally Available (GA) release and the previous two major and minor GA releases. Releases three or more major and minor versions back are considered End of Life (EOL).

Release Status by Version

2.11.X GA YES
2.10.X GA YES
2.9.X GA YES
2.8.X GA No
2.7.X EOL NO
2.6.X EOL NO
2.5.X EOL NO
2.4.X EOL NO
2.3.X EOL NO
2.2.X EOL NO
2.1.X EOL NO
< 2.0.X EOL NO

Releases Under Development

A release under development may undergo several pre-release stages before becoming Generally Available (GA). These pre-releases enable the HPE Machine Learning Data Management team to do development and testing in partnership with our users before a release is considered ready for a Generally Availability (GA).

alpha > beta > Release Candidate (RC) > Generally Available (GA)

Release Status


alpha releases are a pre-release version of a product, intended for development and testing purposes only. alpha releases include many bugs and unfinished features, and are only suitable for early technical feedback. alpha releases should not be used in a production environment.


beta releases are a pre-release version of a product, intended for development and testing purposes only, and include a wider range of users than an alpha release. beta releases should not be used in a production environment.

Release Candidate (RC)

Release Candidate or RC releases are a pre-release version of a product, intended for users to prepare for a GA release. RC releases should not be used in a production environment.

Generally Available (GA)

Generally Available or GA releases are considered stable and intended for production usage.

  • Contain new features, fixed defects, and patched security vulnerabilities.
  • Support is available from HPE Machine Learning Data Management.

End of Life (EOL)

End of Life or EOL indicates the release will no longer receive support.

  • Documentation will be archived.
  • Release artifacts will remain available. We keep release artifacts on Github and Docker Hub.
  • Support is no longer available for End of Life (EOL) releases. Support can assist with upgrading to a newer version.

Supported Features


stable indicates that the HPE Machine Learning Data Management team believes the feature is ready for use in a production environment.

  • The feature’s API is stable and unlikely to change.
  • There are no major defects for the feature.
  • The HPE Machine Learning Data Management team believes there is a sufficient amount of testing, including automated tests, community testing, and user production environments.
  • Support is available from HPE Machine Learning Data Management.


experimental indicates that a feature has not met the HPE Machine Learning Data Management team’s criteria for production use. Therefore, these features should be used with caution in production environments. experimental features are likely to change, have outstanding defects, and/or missing documentation. Users considering using experimental features should contact HPE Machine Learning Data Management for guidance.

  • Production use is not recommended without guidance from HPE Machine Learning Data Management.
  • These features may have missing documentation, lack of examples, and lack of content.
  • Support is available from HPE Machine Learning Data Management, which may be limited in scope based on our guidance.


deprecated indicates that a feature is no longer developed. Users of deprecated features are encouraged to upgrade or migrate to newer versions or compatible features. deprecated features become End of Life (EOL) features after 6 months.

  • Users continuing to use deprecated features should contact support to migrate to features.
  • Support is available from HPE Machine Learning Data Management.

End of Life (EOL) Features

End of Life or EOL indicates that a feature is no longer supported.

  • Documentation will be archived.
  • Support is no longer available for End of Life (EOL) features. Support can assist upgrading to a newer version.

Experimental Features

Feature Version Date

Deprecated Features

Feature Version EOL Date

End of Life (EOL) Features

Feature Version EOL Date
Build Pipelines 2.0.0 2021-07-25
Git Inputs 2.0.0 2021-07-25
pachctl deploy 2.0.0 2021-07-25
Spouts: Named Pipes 2.0.0 2021-07-25
Vault Plugin 2.0.0 2021-07-25
pachctl put file --split 2.0.0 2021-07-25
MaxQueueSize 2.0.0 2021-07-25
S3v2 signatures 1.12.0 2021-01-05
atom inputs 1.9.0 2019-06-12