pachctl auth get-robot-token

pachctl auth get-robot-token

Get an auth token for a robot user with the specified name.


This command returns an auth token for a robot user with the specified name. You can assign roles to a robot user with pachctl auth <resource> set robot:<robot-name>.

pachctl auth get-robot-token [username] [flags]


 pachctl auth get-robot-token my-robot pachctl auth get-robot-token my-robot --ttl 1h pachctl auth get-robot-token my-robot --quiet pachctl auth get-robot-token my-robot --quiet --ttl 1h pachctl auth get-robot-token my-robot --enterprise


      --enterprise   Get a robot token for the enterprise context.
  -h, --help         help for get-robot-token
  -q, --quiet        if set, only print the resulting token (if successful). This is useful for scripting, as the output can be piped to use-auth-token.
      --ttl string   if set, the resulting auth token will have the given lifetime. If not set, the token does not expire. This flag should be a golang duration (e.g. "30s" or "1h2m3s").

Options inherited from parent commands

      --no-color               Turn off colors.
      --rpc-timeout duration   If non-zero, perform all client operations with this RPC deadline.
  -v, --verbose                Output verbose logs.


  • pachctl auth - Auth commands manage access to data in a Pachyderm cluster