pachctl config update context

pachctl config update context

Updates a context.


This command updates an existing context config from a given name (or the currently-active context, if no name is given).

pachctl config update context [<context>] [flags]


 pachctl config update context foo pachctl config update context foo --pachd-address localhost:30650 pachctl config update context foo --cluster-name my-cluster pachctl config update context foo --auth-info my-auth-info pachctl config update context foo --server-cas /path/to/ca.crt pachctl config update context foo --namespace my-namespace pachctl config update context foo --project my-project pachctl config update context foo --remove-cluster-deployment-id


      --auth-info string               Set a new k8s auth info.
      --cluster-name string            Set a new cluster name.
  -h, --help                           help for context
      --namespace string               Set a new namespace.
      --pachd-address string           Set a new name pachd address.
      --project string                 Set a new project.
      --remove-cluster-deployment-id   Remove the cluster deployment ID field, which will be repopulated on the next 'pachctl' call using this context.
      --server-cas string              Set new trusted CA certs.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --no-color               Turn off colors.
      --rpc-timeout duration   If non-zero, perform all client operations with this RPC deadline.
  -v, --verbose                Output verbose logs.