pachctl copy file

pachctl copy file

Copy files between pfs paths.


This command files between pfs paths. While using this command, take special note of which project is set to your active context by running pachctl list projects and checking for the * in the ACTIVE column.

To append to an existing file, use the –append flag. To specify the project where both the source and destination repos are located, use the –project flag. This is only necessary if the project in question is not set to your active context. To copy a file from one project to another, use the –src-project and –dest-project flags. Needing to use one (or both) depends on whether or not either project is set to your active context.

pachctl copy file <src-repo>@<src-branch-or-commit>:<src-path> <dst-repo>@<dst-branch-or-commit>:<dst-path> [flags]


 pachctl copy file foo@master:/file bar@master:/file 
 pachctl copy file foo@0001a0100b1c10d01111e001fg00h00i:/file bar@master:/file 
 pachctl copy file foo@master:/file bar@master:/file --project ProjectContainingFooAndBar 
 pachctl copy file foo@master:/file bar@master:/file --dest-project ProjectContainingBar 
 pachctl copy file foo@master:/file bar@master:/file --src-project ProjectContainingFoo 
 pachctl copy file foo@master:/file bar@master:/file --src-project ProjectContainingFoo --dest-project ProjectContainingBar


  -a, --append                Append to the existing content of the file, either from previous commits or previous calls to 'put file' within this commit.
      --dest-project string   Specify the project (by name) where the destination repo is located; this overrides --project.
  -h, --help                  help for file
      --project string        Specify the project (by name) where both source and destination repos are located. (default "video-to-frame-traces-test")
      --src-project string    Specify the project (by name) where the source repo is located; this overrides --project.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --no-color               Turn off colors.
      --rpc-timeout duration   If non-zero, perform all client operations with this RPC deadline.
  -v, --verbose                Output verbose logs.