pachctl create branch

pachctl create branch

Create a new branch, or update an existing branch, on a repo.


This command creates or updates a branch on a repo.

To create a branch for a repo in a particular project, use the --project flag; this requires the repo to already exist in that project To attach an existing commit as the head commit of the new branch, use the --head flag To set a trigger, use the --trigger flag, pass in the branch (from same repo, without repo@), and set conditions using any of the --trigger options To require all defined triggering conditions to be met, use the --trigger-all flag; otherwise, each condition can execute the trigger To attach provenance to the new branch, use the --provenance flag. You can inspect provenance using pachctl inspect branch foo@bar

Note: Starting a commit on the branch also creates it, so there’s often no need to call this.

pachctl create branch <repo>@<branch> [flags]


 pachctl create branch foo@master 
 pachctl create branch foo@master --project bar 
 pachctl create branch foo@master --head 0001a0100b1c10d01111e001fg00h00i 
 pachctl create branch foo@master=0001a0100b1c10d01111e001fg00h00i 
 pachctl create branch foo@master --provenance=foo@branch1,foo@branch2 
 pachctl create branch foo@master --trigger staging 
 pachctl create branch foo@master --trigger staging --trigger-size=100M 
 pachctl create branch foo@master --trigger staging --trigger-cron='@every 1h' 
 pachctl create branch foo@master --trigger staging --trigger-commits=10' 
 pachctl create branch foo@master --trigger staging --trigger-size=100M --trigger-cron='@every 1h --trigger-commits=10 --trigger-all 


      --head string           Set the head of the newly created branch using <branch-or-commit> or <repo>@<branch>=<id>
  -h, --help                  help for branch
      --project string        Specify the project (by name) where the repo for this branch is located. (default "video-to-frame-traces-test")
  -p, --provenance []string   Set the provenance for the branch. format: <repo>@<branch> (default [])
  -t, --trigger string        Specify the branch name that triggers this branch.
      --trigger-all           Specify that all set conditions must be met for the trigger.
      --trigger-commits int   Set the number of commits as a condition for the trigger.
      --trigger-cron string   Set a cron spec interval as a condition for the trigger.
      --trigger-size string   Set data size as a condition for the trigger.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --no-color               Turn off colors.
      --rpc-timeout duration   If non-zero, perform all client operations with this RPC deadline.
  -v, --verbose                Output verbose logs.

