pachctl create pipeline

pachctl create pipeline

Create a new pipeline.


This command creates a new pipeline from a pipeline specification.

You can create a pipeline using a JSON/YAML file or a jsonnet template file – via either a local filepath or URL. Multiple pipelines can be created from one file.For details on the format, see

To create a pipeline from a JSON/YAML file, use the --file flag To create a pipeline from a jsonnet template file, use the --jsonnet flag; you can optionally pay multiple arguments separately using --arg To push your local images to docker registry, use the --push-images and --username flags To push your local images to custom registry, use the --push-images, --registry, and --username flags

pachctl create pipeline [flags]


	 pachctl create pipeline -file regression.json 
	 pachctl create pipeline -file foo.json --project bar 
	 pachctl create pipeline -file foo.json --push-images --username lbliii 
	 pachctl create pipeline --jsonnet /templates/foo.jsonnet --arg myimage=bar --arg src=image 


      --arg stringArray   Provide a top-level argument in the form of 'param=value' passed to the Jsonnet template; requires --jsonnet. For multiple args, --arg may be set more than once.
      --dry-run           If true, pipeline will not actually be created.
  -f, --file string       Provide a JSON/YAML file (url or filepath) for one or more pipelines. "-" reads from stdin (the default behavior). Exactly one of --file and --jsonnet must be set.
  -h, --help              help for pipeline
      --jsonnet string    Provide a Jsonnet template file (url or filepath) for one or more pipelines. "-" reads from stdin. Exactly one of --file and --jsonnet must be set. Jsonnet templates must contain a top-level function; strings can be passed to this function with --arg (below)
  -o, --output string     Output format when --raw is set: "json" or "yaml" (default "json")
      --project string    Specify the project (by name) in which to create the pipeline. (default "video-to-frame-traces-test")
  -p, --push-images       Specify that the local docker images should be pushed into the registry (docker by default).
      --raw               Disable pretty printing; serialize data structures to an encoding such as json or yaml
  -r, --registry string   Specify an alternative registry to push images to. (default "")
  -u, --username string   Specify the username to push images as.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --no-color               Turn off colors.
      --rpc-timeout duration   If non-zero, perform all client operations with this RPC deadline.
  -v, --verbose                Output verbose logs.