pachctl get file

pachctl get file

Return the contents of a file.


This command returns the contents of a file. While using this command, take special note of how you can use ancestry syntax (e.g., appending^2 or .-1 to repo@branch) to retrieve the contents of a file from a previous commit.

To specify the project where the repo is located, use the –project flag To specify the output path, use the –output flag To specify the number of bytes to offset the read by, use the –offset-bytes flag To retry the operation if it fails, use the –retry flag

pachctl get file <repo>@<branch-or-commit>:<path/in/pfs> [flags]


 pachctl get file foo@master:image.png 
 pachctl get file foo@0001a0100b1c10d01111e001fg00h00i:image.png 
 pachctl get file foo@master:/directory -r 
 pachctl get file foo@master:image.png --output /path/to/image.png 
 pachctl get file foo@master:/logs/log.txt--offset-bytes 100 
 pachctl get file foo@master:image.png --retry 
 pachctl get file foo@master:/logs/log.txt --output /path/to/image.png --offset-bytes 100 --retry 
 pachctl get file foo@master^:chart.png 
 pachctl get file foo@master^2:chart.png  
 pachctl get file foo@master.1:chart.png  
 pachctl get file foo@master.-1:chart.png  
 pachctl get file 'foo@master:/test\[\].txt'


  -h, --help             help for file
      --offset int       Set the number of bytes in the file to skip ahead when reading.
  -o, --output string    Set the path where data will be downloaded.
      --progress         {true|false} Whether or not to print the progress bars. (default true)
      --project string   Specify the project (by name) where the file's repo is located. (default "video-to-frame-traces-test")
  -r, --recursive        Download multiple files, or recursively download a directory.
      --retry            {true|false} Whether to append the missing bytes to an existing file. No-op if the file doesn't exist.

Options inherited from parent commands

      --no-color               Turn off colors.
      --rpc-timeout duration   If non-zero, perform all client operations with this RPC deadline.
  -v, --verbose                Output verbose logs.


  • pachctl get - Get the raw data represented by a Pachyderm resource.