pachctl subscribe commit

pachctl subscribe commit

Print commits as they are created (finished).


This command prints commits as they are created in the specified repo and branch. By default, all existing commits on the specified branch are returned first. A commit is only considered created when it’s been finished. To only see commits created after a certain commit, use the --from flag. To only see new commits created from now on, use the --new flag. To see all commit types, use the --all flag. To only see commits of a specific type, use the --origin flag.

pachctl subscribe commit <repo>[@<branch>] [flags]


	 pachctl subscribe commit foo@master ➔ subscribe to commits in the foo repo on the master branch 
 pachctl subscribe commit foo@bar --from 0001a0100b1c10d01111e001fg00h00i ➔ starting at <commit-id>, subscribe to commits in the foo repo on the master branch 
 pachctl subscribe commit foo@bar --new ➔ subscribe to commits in the foo repo on the master branch, but only for new commits created from now on 


      --all               Specify results should return all types of commits (AUTO, FSCK, USER)
      --from string       Subscribe to and return all commits since the specified commit.
      --full-timestamps   Return absolute timestamps (as opposed to the default, relative timestamps).
  -h, --help              help for commit
      --new               Subscribe to and return only new commits created from now on.
      --origin string     Specify results should only return commits of a specific type; options include AUTO, FSCK, & USER.
  -o, --output string     Output format when --raw is set: "json" or "yaml" (default "json")
      --project string    Specify the project (by name) containing the commit. (default "video-to-frame-traces-test")
      --raw               Disable pretty printing; serialize data structures to an encoding such as json or yaml

Options inherited from parent commands

      --no-color               Turn off colors.
      --rpc-timeout duration   If non-zero, perform all client operations with this RPC deadline.
  -v, --verbose                Output verbose logs.